2018 Crew Review: Gary Cooper – Photographer

[Apologies to Gary for the delay in getting this up – it got lost in our mailbox!]

Best album(s) of 2018

Tommy Concrete‘s Unrelaxed is one of the highlight albums of the year for me, just a stunning piece of work from a man who really shines on this album. Also Alien Weaponry‘s TU, an amazing album by these young New Zealand boys. Finally Jizzy Pearl‘s All You Need is Soul. Jizzy’s voice is just getting better and better.

Best gig(s) of 2018

Molly Hatchet at the Bilston2 in Wolverhampton, a real highlight for me as it was first time seeing my favourite band. Both nights of Hogjaw in Edinburgh & Glasgow – I went both nights as the band are incredible!

Nashville Pussy in Edinburgh and, of course, Skinny Molly in Kinross. It’s been a great Southern Rock year. Rose Tattoo and Uriah Heep at the SWG3 in Glasgow were just outstanding. Jizzy PearlQ5TytanChrome Molly, Bernie Torme and Syteria to name but a few at Bannermans.

The Rolling Stones at Cardiff were just mindblowing, putting so many younger bands to shame. And I have to include Dan Reed with Danny Vaughn at the Voodoo Rooms Edinburgh which was just amazing. Dan gives his all live and it shows.

Katalina Kicks (c) Gary Cooper

Best New band discoveries of 2018

So many this year but stand outs are: HollowstarKatalina Kicks and Lowdrive,

Best music-related memory

Getting my Molly Hatchet painted leather jacket signed by the band at the gig in Wolverhampton, a real fan moment.

Worst moment (music-wise)

The Glasgow O2 ABC burning down, a real loss to Glasgow and bands as it was such a great venue.

Best video

Alien Weaponry‘s Kai Tangata – a stunning track and video.

Hogjaw (c) Gary Cooper

Looking forward to in 2019

More Edinburgh gigs! Hopefully Molly Hatchet and Hogjaw again as they are both due back, and hopefully catch and photograph Alien Weaponry live. I am hoping Tommy Concrete will play Unrelaxed in its entirety along with its follow up which is out in the new year (hint hint, Tommy!). I also get married in June next year, so if any bands out there that I like could avoid touring on the 14th and 15th of June that would be great!


  • To the main man, the Guv Iain, for actually taking me on board years ago and for running the best website out there for rock & metal.
  • Katie Frost, Ross Green and the rest of the Moshville Times crew for being just an outstanding family.
  • Pat Rock at My Rockout Promotions.
  • Christian Kimmett, Bannermans main man, without whom I would not have pushed myself photography wise – cheers, mate.
  • Thanks as always to James, Hef & Rob at Bannermans for keeping the lighting good for my shooting (still have the odd hiccup!).
  • Claire at Central Press.
  • Mike at Dropdeaf PR.
  • All at Spinefarm Records.
  • All the amazing security guys & girls for making my life easier in the pit this year at the Glasgow SWG3, O2 Academy, Garage, Cathouse, Edinburgh Usher Hall and La Belle Angele.
  • A big shout out to all the fans who put up with me shooting in small venues with no photo pit and let me move about down the front.
  • A big thanks to all those bands I’ve shot, who have put up with my lenses in your faces and have shared all my photos. I do try to get all your best sides and make you all look good. Honest!
  • Last but by no means least, Sarah my fiancée for putting up with all my nights away shooting, reviewing and interviewing bands.
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