Exclusive Premiere: Torizon release single / video “Burning Away” highlighting climate change

Australian alt-rockers Torizon are back with their heaviest track yet, “Burning Away”.

Opening the song with “We could do so much more without you” sends a clear message of urgent action underpinned with frustration. Vocalist Mish explains:

2020 has been a challenging year on a global scale. Starting with the Australian Bushfire Crisis which took a toll on the whole nation destroying land, homes, animals and everything else in the way. The inception of this song was from a place of powerlessness as we watched the world literally burn around us.

Shortly after, this song took on a whole new meaning when the Covid-19 pandemic struck. We watched politicians all over the world put their people’s lives at risk in the name of their “economy” If anything, this year has proven that the world implodes when political agendas and beliefs stand in the way of science and climate change. We watched the arts sector, which generated millions for the Bushfire Crisis, lose income for the foreseeable future with little to no support compared to every other sector in the world.

So we put all our frustration into songwriting and it turned into “Burning Away”, where the lyric “Fires” has a twin barrelled literal and metaphorical meaning… the bushfires crisis, climate change and the arts suffering.

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Since releasing the ground-breaking EP Singles Collection, the band has grown their audience with the singles “Hey You” and “Find My Way Out”, gaining worldwide coverage and airplay. With Australian and East Asia tours on the horizon and plans to record their debut album in Los Angeles, Torizon have busy months ahead of them once the coronavirus pandemic subsides.

Torizon: facebook | instagram | spotify | bandcamp | youtube

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