Shining (NOR) – new one-take video

A few months ago, the Norwegian blackjazz band Shining released a short one-take video where they performed their hit single “I Won’t Forget” in the rubble of the demolition site for their old studio in Oslo, Norway. Now they release another video for their second single “The One Inside”, filmed completely live and in one take on a glowing hot day in the middle of the Californian Mojave Desert.

Shining’s front man Jørgen Munkeby comments:

“We’ve always thought that some of our best shows have come from venues and festivals where things were totally out of control. It’s when the local crew tells you that “you don’t need a DI on guitar”, when the monitor guy refuses to turn any more knobs, and when your amp breaks down in the first song – it’s in times like these that you often play your best gigs! The bout against your surroundings brings out the fighter in you, hell-bent on proving that the equipment does not get to decide over the music. We wanted to put ourselves in these situations and film it, believing that this would add an extra edge to the performance that I feel is missing in many of today’s music videos.”

On their way from a show in San Francisco to another show in Los Angeles the day after, the hard-working northern band decided to spend the half day they had available in the scalding sun in the middle of the desert shooting a new live video. Now you can finally see the results!

Live On Location is a series of videos where Shining set up in weird, unorthodox, and often uncontrollable, surroundings to perform and record live. The recording is done with one camera only, as few mics and tracks as possible, and with no editing in audio or video. The Live on Location series sets out to capture unique and interesting moments where great musicians conquer surroundings to make great music, and it celebrates musicianship more than technology.

“It’s a big kick when you manage to pull off something like this. I’m looking forward to making more of these videos! Who knows, maybe the next will be among polar bears and seals in the Arctic, in the middle of a traffic jam in Times Square, or on an oil rig during a huge storm in the North Sea?”

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