Visiting Bathgate’s Dreadnought Rock is always a welcome change from the usual venues in Glasgow or Edinburgh and whenever I’m there, it’s always a good value for money night. Having Voodoo Blood and Saints of Arcadia on one bill for the price of a pint was no exception to the rule. Having finally caught Voodoo … Continue reading Gig Review: Voodoo Blood / Saints of Arcadia – Dreadnought Rock, Bathgate (14th July 2018)
Tag: Voodoo Blood
EP Review: Voodoo Blood – Fresh Hell
I can usually remember how I discover a band but Voodoo Blood aren’t one of these bands. What I do know, however, is that they’re a damn good band and their debut EP, Anabolic Blues did exactly what it said on the tin: it was blues on a shitload of steroids. They’ve since travelled up … Continue reading EP Review: Voodoo Blood – Fresh Hell
Mosh’s Bloodstock 2017 “Best Of” – Jägermeister Stage
Yes, I know Bloodstock was a month ago but some of us have real jobs (and Krav Maga Kids Instructor courses) to come back to which really eat into our reviewing time. However, I really wanted to make sure I got this article done as we always support the smaller acts, and at Bloodstock the … Continue reading Mosh’s Bloodstock 2017 “Best Of” – Jägermeister Stage
Sean’s Bloodstock 2017 review: Sunday
The final day was upon us. The last day of Bloodstock 2017 had another roster of the best heavy metal to satiate the appetites of the baying hordes of metal maniacs. The only breakfast in mind for the hungry fans was a tasty combination of pounding drums, rumbling bass, thrashing guitars and screeching vocals. What … Continue reading Sean’s Bloodstock 2017 review: Sunday
#ROADTOBOA2017 – Voodoo Blood
As ever, we’re going to try and cover every single Jäger, New Blood and SOPHIE stage band before Bloodstock kicks off on August 10th. Your chance to check them out and start planning which bands to get there early for! Trust us when we tell you that this is bound to result in some frustrating … Continue reading #ROADTOBOA2017 – Voodoo Blood