First timers at Bloodstock, Sulpher played the SOPHIE stage on the Friday. Ross assures me they don't smell as bad as their namesake... You’ve just finished playing the Sophie stage, how did it go? Rob: I thought it was fucking amazing! Monti: Yeah, I enjoyed it. Nice getting on a proper stage, wasn’t it? Rob: … Continue reading Bloodstock 2019 Interview: Sulpher
Tag: Sulpher
#RoadToBOA2019 – Sulpher
It’s that time of year again, when in the run-up to Bloodstock we endeavour to interview every band gracing the SOPHIE, New Blood and Jägermeister stages from 8th – 11th August 2019. This means you’ve got a chance to read up on all your favourite bands set to play over the weekend and decide which … Continue reading #RoadToBOA2019 – Sulpher
Amplified 2019: Saturday headliners and more
As the saying goes "Time flies when you're having fun". Can it really be time to announce the lineup for Amplified Version 3.0 already?! We've endured torrential storms in 2017 followed by blistering sunshine in 2018 so it would be a brave person to bet on what's going to happen weather wise at Amplified over … Continue reading Amplified 2019: Saturday headliners and more