I've been sat on this one for a while as things have been manic-hectic-mental around Moshville Towers and as such, it's already out. However, that's no reason not to tell people about Insurrection, especially when it's definitely something that's deserving of their attention. We originally came across Spreading the Disease at the end of 2015 when … Continue reading Review: Spreading the Disease – Insurrection
Tag: Spreading The Disease
Band of the Day: Spreading The Disease
Spreading The Disease, from Kent, are an interesting BotD as they're a band in development and with a plan that they're just at the beginnings of working through. Formed by bassist Steve Saunders at the end of 2014, he set out with a vision for a truly contemporary, modern day metal band capable of drawing … Continue reading Band of the Day: Spreading The Disease