Gig Review: HRH Hammerfest XI – Day 2 (22 March 2019)

It's Friday morning and I’m raring to go, very much looking forward to the eclectic mix of metal, doom, sludge, and thrash on offer here today at Hammerfest XI. I head down early so I don't miss anything and spend some time looking round the wares at the merch stalls. Plenty of choice with almost … Continue reading Gig Review: HRH Hammerfest XI – Day 2 (22 March 2019)

Sepultura / Evile / Reign of Fury – Classic Grand, Glasgow (18th November 2015)

UPDATE: Full set of Sepultura pics just uploaded to flickr This one was highly anticipated. Sepultura's first time in Glasgow in ages, a small venue and their 30th anniversary tour. When the support - both touring and "local" - were announced, this became a ridiculously good value gig and this was demonstrated by the size … Continue reading Sepultura / Evile / Reign of Fury – Classic Grand, Glasgow (18th November 2015)

Reign of Fury to open for Sepultura

One of the hardest working bands on the scene at the moment, Reign of Fury, have managed to land themselves an opening slot for Sepultura in Glasgow next month. Alongside Evile, who themselves finally managed to play a 2-year postponed gig in the same city recently, they'll be supporting the Brazilian behemoth as they tour … Continue reading Reign of Fury to open for Sepultura

Reign of Fury – manager and guitarist leave the band

Earlier this evening, Reign of Fury made two announcements. Ed Westlake has vacated the position of lead guitarist with immediate effect citing personal reasons, and Andy Pilkington has stepped down as manager also with immediate effect. The band will be handling their own managerial-type duties for the moment, and will shortly be looking for a new … Continue reading Reign of Fury – manager and guitarist leave the band

Bloodstock 2015 review: Thursday

[avatar user="James" size="50" align="left"][J][/avatar] [avatar user="Sean" size="50" align="left"][S][/avatar] Edited by Mosh, words by [J]ames and [S]ean, photos by Will Tudor. Apologies for the delay on this, Sean's had to work to fund his metal addiction and James has been travelling here, there and everywhere. Don't you hate how real life sometimes gets in the way of … Continue reading Bloodstock 2015 review: Thursday

Reign of Fury Bloodstock freebie! [updated]

Well, OK, it's a freebie if you're already going to Bloodstock. And intend to see the mighty Reign of Fury open up proceedings. Which, let's face it, as long as you can get the Thursday off work then you bloody well should be anyway. As well as getting the pit going, the band will be chucking … Continue reading Reign of Fury Bloodstock freebie! [updated]