Bloodstock 2015 review: Friday

[avatar user="James" size="50" align="left"][J][/avatar] [avatar user="Sean" size="50" align="left"][S][/avatar] Edited by Mosh, words by [J]ames and [S]ean. Photos by Will Tudor. [J] Day one officially, unofficially day two, of Bloodstock dawned upon the hungover crowds. Upon awakening, I noticed that the campsite was a little different than when I collapsed into bed. There were more beer … Continue reading Bloodstock 2015 review: Friday

Re-Animator – Rescue Rooms, full set (HD)

This is up on YouTube courtesy of a guy called Dan Pottage and with the full permission of the band. So for those of you who couldn't make it, please enjoy the whole (and far too short!) set from Hull's finest export since... erm... well, Hull's only decent export. Ladies and gentlemen - Re-Animator! And chuck … Continue reading Re-Animator – Rescue Rooms, full set (HD)

Lawnmower Deth / Xentrix / Re-Animator / Line of Fire – Nottingham Rescue Rooms

[gig pics on flickr: Lawnmower Deth / Xentrix / Re-Animator] Quite the bill and quite the night raising quite an impressive sum for a very deserving cause. 248 miles each way plus a hotel stay for us to go to the gig, but this was one I wasn't missing. Not with that line-up! We got … Continue reading Lawnmower Deth / Xentrix / Re-Animator / Line of Fire – Nottingham Rescue Rooms

Lawnmower Deth running auction/raffle in aid of S.O.P.H.I.E.

I just came across this today and the prizes so far look incredible! This isn't just some signed Y-fronts from the Billy tour in the 1990's, or photos of the band fish-dancing. These are genuine, good prizes! Except for the one where you meet all the bands as they're all rather old and smelly by now. They're … Continue reading Lawnmower Deth running auction/raffle in aid of S.O.P.H.I.E.