It's tough times we live in, musicians and the arts no exception. Therefore it's pretty amazing to see so many albums coming through to us still to be reviewed as scheduled and not being delayed for 'better times', as music is surely the only reliant medicine we have right now. I know it is for … Continue reading Album Review: Moses – Almost Everything Is Bullshit
Tag: Moses
Single Review: MOSES – Waiter
It's been a while since I'd heard about Moses. I first came across them supporting the mighty The Virginmarys in Manchester back in 2016. I remember their infectious energy on stage as they leapt around to their anarchic indie / alt rock set. I remembered them immediately when their name popped up in my inbox … Continue reading Single Review: MOSES – Waiter
Camden Rocks Festival 2017
It's June 3rd, thousands turn up for 2017's Camden Rocks Festival. 250 bands in 25 different venues surrounding the NW1 area, embracing the sunshine, enjoying the camaraderie - all for love of live music. The pollen count’s high, my eyes water, nose pouring, and my sneezing could be put on a loop and entered in the … Continue reading Camden Rocks Festival 2017
The Virginmarys / Moses / Critics – Stereo, Glasgow 13th June 2016
[avatar user="Ross" size="50" align="left" /]It’s been close to two years since The Virginmarys graced Glasgow with their presence. In the intervening time, they’ve released their new album, Divides, alongside a handful of shows but tonight is a different kettle of fish. Tonight is the start of their latest UK tour. The last time the trio … Continue reading The Virginmarys / Moses / Critics – Stereo, Glasgow 13th June 2016