Band of the Day: Light the Skies

Light the Skies have just released their new EP, Human. We rattled the band's cage and asked them for some more information and they duly threw the following back at us on a scrumpled piece of bload-soaked paper... Simple things first – where are you guys from? We are from Birmingham, great city! How did you meet? … Continue reading Band of the Day: Light the Skies

Light The Skies’ “Human” EP is out now

UK post hardcore crew Light The Skies have just released their explosive new EP Human and it's an absolute beast. Sounding like the backwater cousins of Bring Me The Horizon, Don Broco and August Burns Red, Light The Skies have engineered a style that unites hooky choruses with expansive and inventive guitar work, and a muscular rhythm section that … Continue reading Light The Skies’ “Human” EP is out now