The final instalment from the God of Gobshite and his amazing talking testicles. What bands will he feature today? What sounds will erupt from his anus? Will he have any clean underwear? Will someone, please, for the love of all that's unholy give him a TV show? More publicity for the excellent upcoming Headbangers Balls … Continue reading Krushbanger’s Headballs – It’s OOooOOovvveeerrrr!
Tag: Krusher
Head Krusherballs 5: The Testii of DOOOOOM
Here's Krusher's fifth (and I gather penultimate - that means "second last" to the hard of thinking) video plugging the Headbangers Balls concerts. Will someone please get this wrinkly old bastard a TV contract? He's funnier than anything else on at the moment. Nobody does a stinky arse gag like Krusher. Or maybe it's just … Continue reading Head Krusherballs 5: The Testii of DOOOOOM
Headbangers BallKrusher – part 3
Due to the wonder that is facebook trying to decide for me which posts I'd like to see and which I wouldn't (and royally fucking it up as ever), I missed part three of Krusher's wonderfully shit-laden preview of the Headbangers Balls. So. Here it is. Part four will follow momentarily as facebook very kindly decided … Continue reading Headbangers BallKrusher – part 3
Headbangers BallKrusher – part 2
Krusher is officially funnier than anything on TV. And that includes Archer. Now watch, have a giggle and throw your money at the Headbangers Balls.
Krusher interview
To my shame I had no idea Krusher Joule used to be (still is!) an artist. I just thought he was a journo with one of the best jobs in the world, hob-nobbing with all and sundry in the metal world. This cracking art-focussed interview is well worth a read. Some great stories from back in … Continue reading Krusher interview