Festival Review: Inferno Norway 2018 Day 4

All too quickly the final day of Inferno 2018 had arrived. The Sunday was also sold out meaning that overall this was the busiest year yet. Today there was the opportunity to take a guided tour in the footsteps of Norwegian artist Edvard Munch who painted "The Scream" and also created "Todeskuss (Kiss of Death)" … Continue reading Festival Review: Inferno Norway 2018 Day 4

Festival Review: Inferno Norway 2018 Day 3

Today the music conference was to see black metal legend Ihsahn host a guitar clinic at the official hotel. There was already a queue forming with people eager to listen to what Ihsahn had to say about song writing, playing guitar and his equipment. Even as a non-musician I found this an extremely interesting way … Continue reading Festival Review: Inferno Norway 2018 Day 3

New Band of the Day: Inferno

Inferno come from deepest, darkest Wales - Anglesey to be precise - and are already on the bill for next year's LesFest. They bill themselves as a "three piece rock n' roll band sent to earth on a mission to destroy shit music", which is certainly a noble cause. Definitely not one of the heavier … Continue reading New Band of the Day: Inferno