Album Review: Extremity – Coffin Birth

Extremity released their debut EP Extremely Fucking Dead, which I stated was my joint EP release of last year. I reviewed the EP by saying that Extremely Fucking Dead was “disgusting, rotten, putrid, gut-wrenching, stomach churning, slimy and filthy death metal at its very best”, so I was delighted to hear that Extremity have now released their … Continue reading Album Review: Extremity – Coffin Birth

2017 Crew Review – Ricky, Writer/Reviewer

What a year it has been for me and my relationship with Moshville Times. From being someone who was comfortable writing CD reviews, I watched how far more experienced members of staff were getting in touch with all these bands and interviewing them. I decided that I wanted a piece of that and stepped out … Continue reading 2017 Crew Review – Ricky, Writer/Reviewer

Review: Extremity – Extremely F*cking Dead

Extremity have been together for a number of years and hail from Oakland, California where bands love to swap members and create music to pay homage to the godfathers of the scene, namely (on this occasion) Entombed, Autopsy and Bolt Thrower.  What got me interested in this band is the inclusion of Shelby from the … Continue reading Review: Extremity – Extremely F*cking Dead