Festival Review: Hellfest 2018 (22 – 24 June)

France’s soirée of festival season is Hellfest, based in the sleepy town of Clisson, which lies half an hour from Nantes in the Pays de la Loire region of the country, and this year is it’s 13th incarnation In the beginning, starting off more on the heavy side, it’s grown into one of the most … Continue reading Festival Review: Hellfest 2018 (22 – 24 June)

A bad time for bassists?

It's been a rough month so far in the metal world with three bassists passing in a matter of days, and the anniversary of the death of another on this very day three years ago. There's little I can write that's not already appeared on umpteen other web sites and facebook posts, so I'll simply … Continue reading A bad time for bassists?