2018 Crew Review: Ricky – Writer

After submitting my 150th article for The Moshville Times, the time has come for the end of year list for 2018. As I cast my memory back to 2017, that was a breeze compared to this year with Evocation and The Shadow Archetype being my album of the year. What I did not expect was the … Continue reading 2018 Crew Review: Ricky – Writer

Interview: Dan Seagrave (Part 2)

Following on from part one, we continue to look at what makes Dan Seagrave tick... Being a novice myself when it comes to art, is there a particular method of painting that you stick to when doing cover art or does it depend on what a band wants can influence the style of painting you … Continue reading Interview: Dan Seagrave (Part 2)

Interview: Dan Seagrave (Part 1)

In my time with Moshville Times, I have taken it upon myself to ask questions to those responsible in different areas of music to get their take on the music business. Be it record companies, producers, PR or promoters, all have given me an insight to music that appreciates each and everyone's role and to … Continue reading Interview: Dan Seagrave (Part 1)