A staggering number to get through at the moment. Here's the lucky half dozen! Phoebus The Knight Phoebus The Knight are from France, and they currently have an awesome song and video out to help the crisis in Ukraine. All sales of the song via their Bandcamp page will go to the French Red Cross … Continue reading Video Roundup: Phoebus The Knight / Celtibeerian / Celtic Hills / Heterogeneous Andead / thrown / Iron Savior
Tag: Celtic Hills
Video Roundup: Alien Anomaly / Celtic Hills / Misanthropik Torment / Onism / Torn Between Two Worlds / Shane Archer Reed
"Proper Work" kicks back in tomorrow, so I thought it best to throw some new videos at you baying hordes to tide you over... Alien Anomaly 105 years ago the whole town of Waco, Texas turned out to watch Jesse Washington be hanged, dismembered and burned alive. The 15th May 1916 was the day that … Continue reading Video Roundup: Alien Anomaly / Celtic Hills / Misanthropik Torment / Onism / Torn Between Two Worlds / Shane Archer Reed