Badgerfest 2021 interview: Callus

The Moshville Times had a delegation of staff attending this year's Badgerfest with thirty five bands in attendance over a three day period in Manchester. Shells of Moshville Times, Bracken Hake and Ricky of Moshville Times had the best time ever with a very warm, friendly and welcoming Manchester metal scene. To show that this is … Continue reading Badgerfest 2021 interview: Callus

Badgerfest 2021 interview: Callus

With the glimmer of hope of gigs coming back, albeit with a limited capacity for now, Badgerfest looks to be running and we at Moshville Times are especially glad to hear that. At the time of writing, Badgerfest 2021 is now SOLD OUT, so congratulations to John Badger and the bands playing at the festival. … Continue reading Badgerfest 2021 interview: Callus

Interview: Callus (Bloodstock 2018)

Doom-thrashers Callus talked to us ahead of their Bloodstock 2018 before it gets gate-crashed at the end by a fifth... Header image by SD_Photography Callus: facebook | bandcamp

Amplified 2019: Saturday headliners and more

As the saying goes "Time flies when you're having fun". Can it really be time to announce the lineup for Amplified Version 3.0 already?! We've endured torrential storms in 2017 followed by blistering sunshine in 2018 so it would be a brave person to bet on what's going to happen weather wise at Amplified over … Continue reading Amplified 2019: Saturday headliners and more

Bloodstock 2018 – Mosh’s Friday

Work in the press tent was as hectic as ever with a constant flow of interviews. As always the majority of acts we talked to were on the New Blood and Jäger stages, with a handful of SOPHIE and main stage performers for balance. The one thing which remained constant was how damn nice they … Continue reading Bloodstock 2018 – Mosh’s Friday

#RoadToBOA2018 – Callus

With influences from Led Zeppelin to Burzum, you could imagine a band to be chaotic and not have a clue as to how they want to sound, spending an eternity trying to find that sound and forgetting how to write a song because you're trying too hard. Not so with Callus. Callus, who hail from … Continue reading #RoadToBOA2018 – Callus