Body Count release fan-made video for “The Hate Is Real”

Body Count has never shied away from keeping it raw n’ real. In that spirit, Ice-T and crew launched a contest for fans to illuminate the musical and lyrical ballistics to their song "The Hate Is Real", taken from their latest album, Carnivore. Fans were asked to create and submit their own videos so the … Continue reading Body Count release fan-made video for “The Hate Is Real”

Body Count launch fan contest to contribute to next official video

Body Count just launched a video contest for their song "The Hate Is Real" taken from their latest album, Carnivore. Fans can create and submit their own videos for the track and the band's favourite will be released as the next official Body Count music video. More details about the contest can be found on … Continue reading Body Count launch fan contest to contribute to next official video

Body Count release lockdown “Point the Finger” video filmed on cell phones

Today, LA’s Body Count release a music video for the "Point The Finger" taken from their much acclaimed most recent album Carnivore (released March 6th, 2020 and reviewed here). Due to the current world-wide crisis the video was shot entirely with the band members’ cell phones in home quarantine. Produced & edited by Jay Rodriguez … Continue reading Body Count release lockdown “Point the Finger” video filmed on cell phones

Album Review: Body Count – Carnivore

I remember when Body Count released their first album, then their second and a third shortly afterwards. There was nigh on a decade between each of the next two, but it looks like we're on a regular schedule again with Carnivore coming only three years after the excellent Bloodlust. There's been an up and down pattern to … Continue reading Album Review: Body Count – Carnivore

Body Count go “Carnivore”-ous with new video

Back in the summer we were due to get a sneaky listen to Body Count's new album Carnivore at a press conference at Wacken. Unfortunately, the weather crept in and the festival closed down for an hour in case anyone died from being hit by lightning or something. As a result, the conference was cancelled and … Continue reading Body Count go “Carnivore”-ous with new video

Festival Review: Wacken XXX Day 3

The first thing I noticed on Friday morning was that Spencer, our American friend, hadn't reappeared at the hostel. We finally got hold of him and discovered that he'd been taken to hospital after being knocked out by a crowdsurfer! Thankfully, he was OK and was making his way back to Wacken directly after being … Continue reading Festival Review: Wacken XXX Day 3