Stormzone album release with Nasa Assassin & Baleful Creed, Belfast Empire (12th April 2018)

The Belfast Empire conjures images of opera and stage plays, but not now. Tonight, we are to be subjected to an onslaught of heavy rock at the hands of headliners Stormzone and support acts NASA Assassin and Baleful Creed. Stoner rock act Baleful Creed have been around for some years, consisting of Fin Finlay (vocal … Continue reading Stormzone album release with Nasa Assassin & Baleful Creed, Belfast Empire (12th April 2018)

Review: Baleful Creed – Seismic Shifter

We first encountered Baleful Creed when they played last year's Wildfire Festival where Ross was very impressed and we had a nice natter post-festival. While they bill themselves as simply "hard rock", let me tell you that they have a shovelful of blues and groove in there, too. That's a shovelful of each. Nothing spared. Fin … Continue reading Review: Baleful Creed – Seismic Shifter

Wildfire 2016 interview: Baleful Creed

Due to matters beyond our control (mainly relating to set times, weather and probably alcohol) we were unable to catch up with Baleful Creed while we were at Wildfire this year. However, the guys were nice enough to let us shoot some questions over to them afterwards... Simple things first – where are you guys … Continue reading Wildfire 2016 interview: Baleful Creed

Wildfire 2016: Saturday Review

Words by Mosh, Ross Green, Ryan Callander and Gary Cooper. Photos by Gary Cooper (the posh ones that aren't up yet!) and Mosh. Edited together by Mosh. We did most of the blether about the festival itself in the Friday review, so we'll jump straight in with the band coverage. Due to 5am partying, Ross missed the … Continue reading Wildfire 2016: Saturday Review