Edenthorn are a relatively new one on us (we’ve featured them in passing in some news articles in the past) despite coming from my native Newcastle. On the strength of “1993”, I’m going to address that and will be eyeing up the inbox for their new album which is due next year.
“1993” is a rose-tinted retrospective to the heady days of yesteryear (and dinosaurs) told in a bluesy-rock way by a band who really know how to put a damn good song together. The strength of “1993” is in its simplicity and the fact that anyone around thirty years ago can relate to the times described in the lyrics. As they state, “It was a simple time, with simple things” – and looking back, it was. Well, for me anyway – I’d pretty much just started at uni!
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This is the perfect piece of chart-fodder for a rock band. It’s catchy, you can sing along to it, it makes you think… More, it makes you feel.
Explains vocalist Kyle Tague:
This track isn’t a dedication to 1993. It is more about looking back at simpler times… it just happened that 1993 sounded good when sang and a lot of cool stuff happened in that year! Lyrically it’s one of the quickest and easiest songs I’ve ever written.
Thing is, I’m looking at their photo and they all look like they were barely ten years old in 1993 which makes an old fart like me slightly jealous. Not jealous enough to fail to recognise a class act when I see one, though. Check out the lyric video below and, as ever, you can stream/purchase the track from all the usual online sources.
Edenthorn: official | facebook | twitter | instagram | spotify | youtube