Single review: Broozer – Taste For Blood

Wolverhampton noise rock duo Broozer have unleashed their latest single “Taste For Blood” and it came out kicking and screaming, believe me! Although recorded in 2013 it never had an official release, but demands from fans put paid to that.

I discovered Broozer when they supported the mighty The Virginmarys last year when they damn near blew the place apart. Their brash, noise punk set delivered at breakneck speed left a lasting mark to say the least and I’ve been a big fan of their work since. As with all bands they weren’t everyone’s cup of tea with their in-your-face brutal approach to the set, and they’ll be the first ones to admit that. They were, however, two of the nicest guys I’ve met.

“Taste For Blood” comes as a refreshing and more tailored sound for the band. Full of filthy, bluesy riffs and a punchy groove, their garage rock influences come to the fore. A full on room-shaker, it will certainly appeal to the wider audience with its slightly less rabid approach but there are still plenty of punk screams, distorted guitars and drum thrashings to keep the noise rock fans happy.

It’s a sweaty, sexy beast of a track, an absolute crowd pleaser for sure!

The single is out now via all platforms and you can listen below.

Broozer: facebook | twitter | instagram | spotify | apple music

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