Buttonpusher is a Nottingham based promoter who has put on DIY shows at the JT Soar venue since 2008. The promoter has been a big part of bringing bands far and wide to this city and building up that independent music scene. Within the crowd tonight are various members of local bands, all out here to support and shout each other out.

Lure In open at this DIY gig here in Nottingham. The Manchester band boast a 20 minute slot because as they say, “their songs are about 1 minute long each.” The songs are like if you only had the breakdown make the cut. It’s humorous but also means that every song is met with the standard head mosh as you frown at the bass hitting that riff.
The gig here has a decent turn out already. With the small room spilling into the entrance way. Fans of the band have made it here, as I see people singing the lyrics at the front lines. The singer was out in the open with the audience, with no barrier. He wasted no time stomping back and forth and even going directly into the audience’s faces.

Below the Neck come on next. The band are a Scottish metalcore amalgamation and come on with a bang. They’re a definite stand out, with the way they handle audience interaction and the musicianship they flaunt is nothing short of impressive. The band has some of the heaviest beatdowns I’ve heard in metalcore and you find the vocalist and guitarist almost having a two step dance off.
Each member of the band carried the energy well, that would in turn pass to the audience. The music speaks for itself, in terms of making you want to mosh, and having each member on the stage (rug?) throwing their head back and forth only further amplifies that. The audience interaction between songs was filled with humour and involved hecklers, professing their love and talking about how they’re “metalcore. We don’t do heavy, we do sad.” Everyone was now packed closer to the edge of the stage, which meant the vocals with their rough grit were right in your face and hard to ignore.

Uncultivates take the stage as the third band tonight. The Irish band members had been hanging around for the previou sets, all looked pretty normal. Apart from one with ripped jeans turned to shorts but still had the ripped legs around his ankle…apart from him. Fairly normal looking. Imagine my shock when the band came out donning cowboy hats and booty shorts with a horse following in their stead (not an actual horse depending on who you ask) and a pinata that they all kissed as they took their places and announced themselves as a Texas band in a thick southern American accent.
This is the type of band where…I can’t tell if they’re serious or do this as a hobby. Whilst massively entertaining, which some would argue is what these nights are about, it’s one of those where the stage design is almost too distracting from the actual music. The vocalist pretty much did the same harsh vocals for all their songs. Impressive, but I couldn’t tell them apart.
El Moono come on with a droning soundtrack to accompany them. The wardrobe of the vocalist consisted of space buns and a pale cream dress- can’t lie, I actually loved the wardrobe. What added to it was the fact the singer seemed to get into some sort of character acting like some haunted doll, when they were singing. It just went a long way in adding to the vibe they brought to a stage.
In my notes I put, “actually sick.” I was vibing guys. That grungy rock sound, whilst not something I seek out a lot for casual listening, always hits in a live setting. Their song “The Waking Sun” especially goes down a treat. The members never really interacted much with the crowd, but it’s one of them bands where I can tell that isn’t the vibe and they keep the energy up by the way they give it their all performing.
Buttonpusher put on these types of gigs numerous times a month. Truly a special thing for the local scene. I’d love to see more cities doing this type of thing. If you’re in Nottingham, with a free night and wanting to attend a gig WITH YOUR OWN DRINK AND NOT HAVING TO PAY 2.50 FOR HALF A COKE- this would be a great night for you. All the bands tonight have their own appeal and provide great entertainment and why not support local and indie artists?
Photos by Jayne Slater