First Motley Crue, then Twisted Sister and now Kunt and the Gang joins the list of top acts doing the final rounds before retiring.
OK, so Kunt isn’t exactly an arena filling festival headliner, but he is one of the funniest, most tasteless purveyors of gutter humour and disgusting songs currently invading our earholes. His blend of profanity, poor taste and jokes about Project Yew Tree will be sorely missed.
Mike Gibbons, Kunt’s now-ex tour manager opened with a great half-hour set of acoustic guitar driven smut. I remember a couple of songs from the last time he played, maybe half the set. He’s a good act on his own with superb comic timing. I assume he’s not packing it in, so maybe/hopefully we’ll see him around again.
Kunt, though… thing is, much as he sings about paedos, abusing paperboys, how much he wants to bed Carol Vorderman and so on… he’s such a nice guy. He’s not let the massive success of selling out 150-capacity venues go to his head, and a sell-out we have tonight. The wife and I grabbed two of the last three tickets available online and a few folks paid on the door, too. It’s standing room only in the cellar of the 13th Note, and not just because they only have about eight bloody chairs.
With a dozen or so albums of minor internet hits, Kunt is never going to play everyone’s favourites on this last Glasgow show, but he does a good job of trying including taking some requests towards the end. Jimmy Savile’s ghost makes an appearance, banter is exchanged between songs, a heckler is dealt with (and leaves during the “get some air, we’re dying” break), and a loud crowd responds incredibly well to what is, effectively, a cross between a gangly man, a cheap electronic keyboard and a collection of Viz comics from when it used to be funny.
One man next to me was literally – and I’m using the term in its correct fashion here –Â literally bent double from laughing so hard for a good portion of the show. I wasn’t far behind him. There is no subject too taboo for Kunt to touch (finger, lick, whatever) in his inimitably disturbing way.
I’m so glad he finished with “Paul Stephenson’s Party” as it is still, to this day, my favourite Kunt song. It was preceded by the likes of “UKIP”, “Bangers & Mash” and more songs I can’t name just in case I need to edit this article from a work PC later.
I’ve seen Kunt four times now (I wish it were more), which I think says more for my immaturity than anything else, and according to the man himself this is indeed his last tour after thirteen years. We can only hope that someone digs some stuff up on Noel Edmonds and passes it on to the Yew Tree officials. That, I gather, will be the only way to bring him out of retirement.
There are only a few dates left on which to catch him, including a short run at the Edinburgh Fringe. If you have even the tiniest of kinks in your sense of humour, do yourself a favour and catch a show if you can. The ticket price is usually pretty low and the laughs are plentiful.
Thanks for the aching ribs and t-shirts I can’t wear now that my kids can read, Kunt. It’s been a blast.
Kunt’s latest (last?) album Blue R.O.F.L. is available to [amazon text=download from Amazon&asin=B01J2Z0LSE].
Kunt and the Gang: official | facebook | twitter | youtube
I am hoping 2020 will bring kunt back out of retirement..
Sorely missed like a punch in the bollocks that went wrong.
The man is a legend.
He is releasing a (s)punk album this year, part of the fundraiser he ran for the book he released in December.