Thunder / Terrorvision / King King – Glasgow Clyde Auditorium, 18th February 2016

From experience with bands such as Aerosmith, Europe and Whitesnake, I know old school rock shows are always enjoyable. And there are times they are even more than that. Thunder was definitely in this category.

The show opened with the Scottish blues band King King who I had not heard of before. The singer made the show heart warming while wearing his kilt, and gave us a performance worthy of the name blues! The songs while mellow and not fast paced were still very entertaining and never came to a point of being dull. The band kept energy and were very interactive with the crowd throughout the set.

Being seated was actually a way to enjoy the music in more depth – support bands usually being the band you unwillingly stand for and feel your legs aching, King King made it a very enjoyable opening to the show. I can safely say they will surely become one of the great blues bands to remember . Every song had a special touch and by the end of the set you felt in one of those “oh yeah” moods that only make you want to hear more rock n roll. Which, of course, you can if you want to see them again as they’re hitting the ABC (and other venues in the UK) in a couple of months time.

Terrorvision Glasgow Feb 2016 TonySoon after came Terrorvision who were very different and much faster, but this made the show all the more varied and entertaining. I was going into that show a little sceptical of the fact it was an all seated venue. Terrorvision proved you do not need to be standing to have fun at a gig. I found myself dancing on my chair at every song with a large smile on my face.

The cheery and cheesy mood of the band gave you the exact feeling you want at a rock show. The need to put sunglasses on and just feel awesome. The singer had so much energy throughout the entire set I wondered how it was possible to have that much stored in you, jumping everywhere, climbing on the amps, entertaining the crowd, and all while singing. It was a talent of its own I believe I have only ever seen that night. Again, we have the chance to witness that energy once more later this year as the band have announced dates in November.

The set made me more excited to see Thunder. The supports had been so good I was very interested to see what the main act would bring… And boy did they not disappoint!

Thunder 2016 2From the moment Thunder came on until the very last song, the members kept the maximum energy. The crowd, who for the most part were at least double my age, seemed to have all gone back to their 20’s. The atmosphere brought by the gig was something very special and definitely something to not forget.

I cannot think of a single song during which my attention span left the show. My big highlight, as it usually is for me, were of course the ballads. The songs did seem to have  little more distortions than the studio work as a whole, which I will not complain about, also some of the jazzy tones heard from the studios was a little lost; the sound came closer to power sound, which made the set even more well… powerful!

There are very few feelings better than listening to a cheesy old rock ballad live and have an entire crowd singing it back to the band. You could feel the nostalgia filling the heart of the majority of the crowd who had known these songs most of their lives. I, having only known Thunder for a maximum of 3 years, did not feel the same kind of nostalgia. I did however feel that this will be something I will one day look back on – and maybe have the chance to see them again in many years and feel what this crowd felt.

Thunder 2016 1The venue seemed to have become a time-machine taking everybody back to the 90’s, including the band. “I’ll Be Waiting” And “Love Walked In” only proved to me even more that ballads are the cherry on the cake of any show, especially rock. The non-ballad highlight for me would definitely have to be “Love You More Than Rock and Roll” which was probably the one with the most energy from the band and the crowd. By this point they had all naturally become one and it was more of a family reunion than a show.

It probably isn’t even necessary and obvious to state but I will anyway – but Danny Bowes’ vocals were on top form for every single song. Every emotion was felt and the passion for his music was nearly seen just by his voice. As my first time in the Clyde I also discovered it is a great venue with most likely one of the best acoustics! I was always  put off from gigs at this venue due to the seating but Thunder made me change my mind completely and I definitely will be back there next time a show pops up, even more so if it will be Thunder again!

I can honestly say this was one of, if not the, best old school rock show I have been to, and as a first time seeing Thunder, I could not have experienced a better show. An amazing atmosphere, great support bands and a band that remains timeless no matter what happens. The addiction is on, already excited to see them next time!

Photos by Gary Cooper. Full Flickr sets available: Thunder | Terrorvision | King King (coming soon)

You can also check out Mosh’s review of the gig.

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George Mair
George Mair
February 29, 2016 1:06 PM

I was at the Clyde Auditorium for said gig, my 5th time seeing Thunder, I have been a fan for over 20 years and in my opinion they are one of the best bands ever to come out of Britain. Dannys vocals are always on point and Ben Luke Chris and Harry are flawless, I am slightly bias but there back catalogue is a master class in power, emotion, and good old foot tapping rock. They always give off such a great vibe, I have seen alot of bands , but this gig is right up there with the best… Read more »