[avatar user=”wolfie” size=”50″ align=”left” /]After waiting many hours in front of the Boston Music room, the smaller stage of the Dome in Tufnell Park. At 6pm the crowd are let in, the stage although smaller in size is directly infront of the crowd with no barriers, and the venue quickly fills up.
The first band due on stage is Terra, a black metal band from Cambridge, who listening to them seem highly inspired by bands such as Wolves in the Throne Room and also other bands such as Winterfylleth. Although their vocal style may not have been for some (as seen by some reactions in the crowd), one thing is for certain is that their musicianship should not be denied. With bassist Olly wielding a 6 string bass, and the beautiful riffs and melodies that come from the guitars,and heavy thundering drumming, Terra put on a good show to start off the night.
The second band on stage is Premature Birth whose reception was greatly admired by the crowd with fantastic crowd participation. The band themselves are on top form tonight with vocalist Dev screeching into the microphone beside bassist/vocalist Simon. A sticker on his bass says ‘I heart my Dildo’ which causes some members in the crowd to shout out in agreement. Keyboardist Vicki along with drummer Adam creating heavy and beautiful riffs which again the crowd easily get into, and playing new songs that the band have not yet played live, it feels like a privilege to be seeing them again. A top-notch performance by the band.
Next on Stage is Scutum Crux. Covered in corpse paint, they demolish the stage with heavy thunderous black metal riffs, and vocals that just whip the crowd into a frenzy. Again followed up with crowd participation, and a moment where singer Demiurge calls out for everyone to go mental in honour of Lemmy. He calls out to the bass player who has learnt all of their songs just for tonight. The whole thing just gives off the feeling that tonight is a special night. A beautiful set to follow, with the headliners due on after.
Finally on stage comes Nargaroth, whose singer first comes on wearing a black mask which although looks the part, makes the vocals a little muffled. He then later appears on stage with the mask off, however but no one cares as the crowd open up the pits and crowd surfers do their stuff. The band is on brilliant form with riffs and drums in perfect melody causing more chaos in the crowd. Topped off with another tribute to the recently fallen Lemmy and a setlist which consists of classic Nargaroth songs such as ‘Black Metal ist Krieg’ and ‘Seven Tears are Flowing to the River’ makes for a great night in a way that can only be described as perfection.
All photos by Aoife Le Roux.