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The guys at Audio have been putting on some cracking shows recently. This one was no exception with 3 exceptionally good bands playing in an interesting venue. I’ll dwell on the gig later, but first a little bit about the venue.
The Cottiers theatre is a bit like the Oran Mor in that fact that it’s an old converted church and has a bar/restaurant in the same complex. Where it differs is that the Oran Mor is easy to find, the Cottiers isn’t. That didn’t stop a good number of people coming out to the gig. Featuring the original stained glass windows and the pipes from where the organ used to be, it served as an excellent venue for the style of music being played.
The first band on was Mountains under Oceans. Hailing from Glasgow and playing what can only be described as spaced out rock similar to If These Trees Could talk, they delivered a good set. At points the frontman greeted the crowd, only to be met with a non working microphone. Being right at the front, I could just about make out what he said but it wasn’t easy. Something along the lines of “Thanks for coming to see us”. If they play Glasgow again in the near future, I will definitely go see them again.
The second Band on was Athousandfurs. Playing a slightly different kind of spaced out music they didn’t have a bassist. Not that it was noticeable, but it did look a little strange. Having some nice soothing vocals floating atop the melodies and the odd piano parts here and there, the band delivered a varied and enjoyable set. Having no music online yet, it makes it a little hard for you to listen to them. I would say this though, when their EP comes out, give them a listen and check them out.
Onto the Headliners, Nordic Giants. Having not really lsitened to them before, I was excited to see what kind of show they would play. Playing to a film was something I did not expect. It fitted the music though and made for a nice change instead of watching individuals play their instruments. Playing a range of different styles of music, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what genre they are. Featuring keyboards, synths, trumpets, both electronic and real drums, guitars and vocals in certain songs, they delivered a stunning set. Even if their lights were very bright. For part of the encore, they brought the Vocalist and guitarist of Athousandfurs on stage with them which was a nice touch.
I honestly cannot determine the genre of any of the bands that played that night but what I will say is this. I advise you go and have a listen to all of the bands and see for yourself whether you like them or not. You can watch a show from Nordic Giants below.
Nordic Giants: official | facebook | twitter | bandcamp | youtube