Cavalera Conspiracy / Sylosis / Revoker – Glasgow Garage

Image by Iain Purdie via Flickr

[More pics of the gig at these two Flickr sets – one for Revoker, one for Cavalera Conspiracy. Sorry, I didn’t get any of Sylosis]

I’ve got a whole slew of gigs coming up, but this one looked good due to a strong bill. Three cracking bands for a moderately low door price, and at a venue with decent sound and security staff. We got there in time to catch most of Revoker’s set, and they were worth seeing. A lot of energy (well, except for the bassist) and I can see the guitarist running wild on a larger stage. They were, however, confined to a diddly bit at the front with the drums dangling off the left hand side.

I can pretty much forgive them being Welsh, they put on such a good show. There must have been around 200-250 people in the club to watch them and they did seem to go down well.

During the gap between bands, I went to the bar to get a second drink for the evening and was refused service… because I wasn’t wearing a wristband. Apparently these were being handed out to “everyone as they come in” and were being used to somehow count how many people were drinking. I looked around. At that point well less than half the number of people with a drink in their hand was wearing a wristband. Hell, Gillian had been served barely 30 minutes earlier and wasn’t wearing one.

So screw them. Rather than bugger about wandering downstairs and missing any of Sylosis I just kept my money in my wallet. I’ll do the same in future, too. The Wetherspoons over the road is cheaper, serves a wider variety of beers and doesn’t have any stupid fucking wristband policies. Your loss, Garage.

Sylosis used the same amount of stage as Revoker, and once more did a decent set. I swear I’ve seen them before – maybe Sonisphere last year? – and this time round was a short performance, I guess partly due to the early weeknight curfew. Short but sweet.

Just after 9pm and Cavalera Conspiracy took to the stage. If memory serves, this is the second time I’ve seen them. The first was at Graspop a couple of years ago when I got out of my face on JƤger and supermarket own-brand energy drink. A set full of old Sepultura tracks, some awesome pit action and being crowdsurfed to the bar at the end. To be fair, very little is going to live up to that.

Cavalera Conspiracy - Max and Igor
Image by Iain Purdie via Flickr

They were good, that has to be said. Tight, fun, and the band themselves seemed to be well up for the show. It’s still great to see the two brothers back together again after they parted company those years ago (I got one of the last interviews with them before the split, back when I was working for the university radio station).

As well as playing a decent smattering of tracks from both InfliktedĀ and the newer Blunt Force Trauma, there was a decent number of what I guess now count as cover songs. One by Black Flag (“Six Pack”), four Sepultura numbers (“Refuse/Resist”, “Territory”, “Desperate Cry” and “Troops of Doom”) and – awesome! – a Nailbomb song (buggered if I can remember the title… sorry).

For me, this was the reason for going. I kind of like the new stuff, but I adoreĀ the older material. While I think Sepultura started to decline with the release of Chaos A.D. and really slip with RootsĀ (my own opinion – too tribal for my tastes), their earlier albums to this day rank amongst my favourites of all time. “Troops of Doom”Ā in particular is such a good live song with a rhythm and beat that any thrash band would kill for.

The crowd were a little lacklustre, and sadly that’s something I’m getting used to these days. A good track would start, the small (at least sparsely populated) pit would kick off… and last about a minute into the song. I have three theories:

  • The fans are getting older and less fit (myself included)
  • A large number had already buggered off to Sonisphere for the weekend
  • Nobody was drunk enough because the Garage weren’t selling beer to people who didn’t have a fucking wristband as they hadn’t been given one

The applause at the end was well earned. Gillian had gone to the gig not really knowing what to expect, but enjoyed all three bands. She even labelled Cavalera Conspiracy as one of the best acts she’s seen all year.

They were good… but given the gigs we have lined up before the new year (and Rammstein in February…), I can see the Brothers Cavalera being knocked down the chart sometime!

Cavalera Conspiracy Setlist The Garage, Glasgow, Scotland 2011, Blunt Force Trauma Tour
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