EP Review: Rollers Of Bedlam – Bedlam City EP

Something a little different for me, with this one – rock/post-punk isn’t an area I’ll stroll into often but I do like to give my ears some fresh tones now and again so Bedlam City’s new EP caught my attention.

The title track is abrasive and punky, with a nice lazy slovenly feel to it. It’s grimy, it’s whiny – it’s punk. “4am” really comes across like a song written at and for that time in the morning. The opening section is slow and bass-led, and really brings to mind those early hours with the sun just thinking about popping up over the rundown buildings at the arse end of town.

“Sheilah” is the first song to hit the distortion pedal and it sounds like it was recorded in a big metal bin. It’s simplistic, underproduced and grittier than your Speedos after being buried on the beach. If there’s a song to pogo to on this collection, this is the one. “Intervention” still rocks it, whereas “British Summer Rain” is very much a slow head-nodder.

“Jealousy and Envy” is a surprisingly warm number to end this otherwise quite downbeat collection on, definitely going more for the rock than the punk.

Bedlam City is a small collection, but an interesting one and definitely worth a listen. You can check it out below and fling some money at the band if you decide you like it. Remember that the first Friday of every month, Bandcamp aren’t taking a slice of anything you pay them.

Bedlam City is out now

Rollers of Bedlam: official | facebook | twitter | instagram | bandcamp | spotify | youtube

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