EP Review: Deadfire – My Mind Belongs to the Devil

Being into metal since the early 80’s after picking up Iron Maiden’s Number of the Beast album, I have moved onto the more extreme end of the metal market. Sometimes though, you need to remind yourself why you ditched the Duran Duran albums for rock and metal in the first place. This is where Aberdeen’s own Deadfire come in. Remember when rock and metal used to be all about the fun? The band would be on stage drunk playing to a drunk crowd and everybody was having a good time?

Now, I do have to clear up the fact that Deadfire are a professional band and have indeed reached the final of the Metal to the Masses in Glasgow last year, so they know how to mix business with pleasure. Being signed to Aberdeen’s very own Fat Hippy Records, Deadfire are now releasing their new EP entitled My Mind Belongs to the Devil so I took some time to listen to it and get nostalgic about the late 80s once again.

Starting off with the title track, there is more than a hint of stoner riffs and vocals before it heads off to a traditional heavy rock vein. I hear a wee bit of Layne Staley of Alice in Chains from vocalist Charlie, especially at the start of the song with the riffs from Jonny not too far away from Alice in Chains either. You can tell that the band know how to write songs and this is indeed catchy with the traditional sing-along chorus (yes, ok I sang along too), so this will be a sure-fire winner in the clubs and gigs where they play. Backed up by bassist Boothy and drummer Tunk, these two have clearly formed a formidable unit keeping everything in check.

“Maryjane” starts off with a slow Sabbath fused riff and with vocals again reminiscent of Layne Stayley, Charlie has shown that his vocal range is equivalent to that of his bulk (sorry, Charlie). High and low cleans vocals are the order of the day and the riffs speed up as the song goes on, bringing the most powerful sound of the EP thus far for me. This is the love song off the EP, but it’s one helluva rough ride (oops). This is an all-over good heavy rock song and certainly got this veteran metaller smiling.

Finally, we have “Call of the Void” which is a more upbeat groovy riff to it and certainly one that will get people moving. With lyrics that cover a “What if I just…” variety, it should let you know that this cliffhanger of a song gets you thinking as well as shaking your booty. It’s an all-round good solid rock song and a fitting one to end the EP.

One of the lines is “What if you would have taken that chance?”. I think you should all take the chance and listen and buy the EP if you are looking for a band that knows how to write good songs. Next pint is on me, Deadfire.

My Mind Belongs to the Devil is out on Feb 29th

Deadfire: facebook


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