I’ve been sat on this one for a while – apologies to the band – due to “real life”, but it’s time to catch up and give you a rundown on this 6-track release from French metal act Prismeria. They’re a 5-piece who cite thrash, death and “core” as their influences and after listening to Lost Individual Thoughts more than a few times, they pretty much pull from those influences equally.
Lost Individual Thoughts is the band’s first EP and it’s a great way for them to start out. Opener “Bar Fight” wastes no time in throwing fast-paced thrash drums in your face, overlaid with throaty death vocals. These give way to a more traditional thrash voice for the faster parts (of which there are many). A few choppier moments provide your “-core” music moments and the whole thing is just one wonderfully fun and violent package. Check the video below to enjoy it in all its abrasive glory.
Indeed, this mixture is the recipe for each song on here. There’s no let-up. “A Modern War” interleaves absolute brain-melting thrash with some nice, slower, heavier moments and some more than decent guitar solos. “Unless They Come”‘s strident opening screams through the opening minute before the buzzsaws are unleashed once more. This is how you build a tune – and a crowd – up. It continues on into an evil death metal segment tempered with more hardcore tones.
With three more tracks, you’ll be exhausted (in a good way) by the time you get through all six songs. And I’d not be surprised if, like me, you circled back to the start again straight away for another listen.