Review: Scout Killers – Deception (EP)

Yes, Scout Killers, yes. This is hard rock at its finest. This is a glistening EP of superb tracks. I will endeavour to elaborate:

There are a lot of bands in the rock arena these days and our exposure to them is ever-more simple in our age of easy-access technology. But not all bands have that thing that je ne sais quois. Well, these guys do.

Hailing from the Wiltshire area, this all-male 5 piece are an explosive outfit of pure rock that needs to be experienced, I only wish I could get to a live show, and soon. But for now, this stunning EP won’t be far from my reach.

In terms of influence, I could mention Rage Against the Machine, Pantera, Royal Blood and the like, but really I get the impression that this quintet would rather you decide for yourselves. They tend to mix it up so that within one four-minute song you’re less worrying about what their influences are and more about what flawless song is coming next.

Opening track “Freak Show” has everything to satisfy my ever-more scrupulous ears. I love the pace, I love the lyrics, I love the vocal delivery. It’s intelligent, savvy, mature and makes me smile sideways knowingly while nodding my head.

Second track “Keep Telling Me Lies” lowers the pace a tad but loses nothing for it. We get a message of deception and betrayal and the pain is perfectly portrayed in this classic rock number. But when I say classic, I am not talking Aerosmith or GnR nor any Southern style whiskey rock, this is fresh and very 21st century, hence the Royal Blood reference above.

“Let It All Go” lets rip with chugging riffs and carries us through another head-bobbing tune that I have already enjoyed singing along to while at my desk.

Just in case any doubt was creeping in as to whether they could or would return to the pace and heaviness of the first track, track four sets that fleeting thought firmly to the back of my mind. “You Have It All” fires back with attack and even reveals some electro-industrial sound effects to boot. These guys have plenty to offer from their well-stocked arsenal, they shoot to kill, and I can’t wait to hear a full-length album.

You can catch them at some UK shows in July and August, check their facebook page for more details.

Deception is out on 7th July

Scout Killers: official | facebook | twitter | instagram | bandcamp

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