Review: Black Ink Sun – Take The Fall (Bloodstock Edition)

Black Ink Sun - Take The FallSeeing as I didn’t catch many acts to write about them at Bloodstock, I decided I’d review all the CDs I had thrust upon me by the bands instead. Fortunately, there weren’t too many so I should be able to pile through them in the next few days!

First up is Black Ink Sun’s 4-track EP, Take The Fall. I say “Bloodstock Edition” as I think these are the only CD versions, the EP usually being distributed as a download. The band were caught by some of our Crew who were pretty impressed at the lively crowd despite the early hour. Listening to the likes of “Take the Fall” and “Bloodletter” I’m not bloody surprised people were kicking lumps out of each other (in a friendly manner) – this stuff really gets the adrenaline pumping.

If I’m going to name obvious comparisons with bands you’ll have heard of them I’m going to go with Lamb of God. Thing is, Black Ink Sun aren’t a rip-off by any standards – they’re far too good for that. Funnily enough, in our pre-fest interview LoG are the band that Black Ink Sun said they’d most like to have a support slot with!

With cracking rhythm throughout and some post-metal-esque bass drops, this is fast, frenetic metal at its best. There are albums that are meant to be simply listened to for pleasure, and there are albums that are meant to be listened to so that you know the songs when they’re played live – this is the latter. Black Ink Sun are a band to be enjoyed through headphones, but who would be far better experienced live.

I missed out on that this time around – don’t make the same mistake.

Take The Fall is available now and you can [amazon text=download it from Amazon&asin=B0162WYER4] while helping support this site as well!

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