[avatar user=”Gary” size=”50″ align=”left” /]Released 1st April, a week before their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 8th, this long awaited album is Cheap Trick’s first since 2009s The Latest and their 17th studio album overall. The break seems to have done them the world of good. The band sound so alive & fresh, a completely different beast of an album. Do yourselves a favour and buy it and if you can catch them on the upcoming tour, which will hopefully include a Scottish date, make sure you grab a ticket.
1. Heart on the Line: Kicking in with some awesome ZZ Top style licks, the band set the bar with this rocker. Robin sounds like he is on fire and Rick is fueling it, his playing like this has been long missed; Tom cranking up the bass with Daxx pounding away. A fantastic track and so different to the opener from 2009’s The Latest, “Sleep Forever”.
2. No Direction Home: Daxx kicks it up on the intro to this all round rock track. Robin states there is “No Direction Home” for me but I reckon they have found it with this album, a stomping foot tapping head nodding sonic scorcher of rock.
3. Do You Believe Me: I do believe you Robin, I really do. Another scorcher with Rick in full flow – where has this Cheap Trick been?! I feel like I’m hearing the rebirth from easy rock back to their full on Rock n Roll days, actually hard to stop smiling.
4. Blood Red Lips: Takes me back to my early Quo/Sweet days now – that clap along, sing along 70’s groove. Another possible single that could spawn a huge hit.
5. Sing My Blues Away: Fantastic soaring intro to the first true Cheap Trick style ballad but updated with a touch more rock with Robin’s voice soaring way up there. The sound has a great feel to it, less electronic and a more natural rock feel with some great guitar touches from Rick.
6. Roll Me: A real punch of a track from the word go, with Daxx really going for it, Robin growling away, Rick and Tom nailing it with the rhythm. A stunning track and possibly my favourite off the album. It’s hard to type when your head is bobbing away!
7. The In Crowd: A cheeky wee cover here which most folk will recognise from Bryan Ferry even though he also covered it. The boys have covered it well in an abstract Ferry/Roxy Music style, interesting.
8. Long Time No See You: The first thing that springs to mind with this track is The Bulletboys. This song definitely has their “Smooth up in Ya” rock vibe, not a bad thing by any means.
9. The Sun Never Sets: Beatles meets Meatloaf. Fantastic vocals and musically it rocks along at a great pace. The production on this album is spot on – less on the electronic, more on the rock.
10. All Strung Out: What a way to end the album. My foot stomping as I write this! The guitar, the bass, Daxx just nailing it with the rhythm section… Well I ain’t Strung Out. If anything, I’m totally wired by this album.
The reviewer is clueless. CT needs Bun back.
I haven’t heard the whole album yet, I ordered it a few weeks ago and I’ve heard two of the songs.the two songs that I heard where great.if some of the rest of the songs where is good I think this album will put him over the top.in my opinion they are one of the most underrated bands out there, congratulations Cheap Trick you worked your butt off for it!!!
It’s not really Cheap Trick without Bun E.
Cheap Trick is a great Rock N Roll band … everything they do is to notch. This new album is no exception, it delivers the goods. Viva Cheap Trick!
This new Cd screams TRICK. ive heard a few of them played live and long clips of every song and its amazing. Live the songs are even better, if possible. This album will become a favorite
LOVE all that I’ve heard from Cheap Trick’s new album. They are BACK and better than ever! If you are a *TRUE* Cheap Trick fan you will love this new album – I’m sure of it!! Daxx is a TERRIFIC drummer and he fits the band’s style so perfectly! I love it!! Saw them 6x last year and after hearing what I’ve heard so far, I’m sure I’m going to be seeing them as often as possible again this year. I can’t get enough of Cheap Trick!! Unlike the anti-Daxx people, I have can see him for what he brings… Read more »
The reviewer is right. This is a great album from a revitalised band. The fact that Bun E Carlos has parted company with the band is indeed very sad, but it’s not apparent from this record. There is a drive and energy here that befots their experience and their drummer’s youth. The naysayers maybe should stick with The Doctor.
Finally got around to checking out this new Cheap Trick album recently, and wow! I’m impressed. Lots of great songs here, really enjoying ‘No Direction Home’, ‘Heart on the Line’ and ‘Roll Me’ so far. So happy to see these guys are still releasing great music in 2016, and wondering what took me to long to hear it!
One of the reasons I love this genre of music so much is that there are so many bands who are just timeless. Decades in, and they’re still pumping out quality music!