Bang Your Balls!

Headbangers Balls
Look at those beauties

Or… something. Anyway, just to update a story from a couple of weeks ago. Headbangers Balls is a series of concerts coming up in July/August to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Reign of Fury‘s singer being given the “all clear” after a bout of testicular cancer.

The gigs will raise money and awareness for the Teenage Cancer Trust and hopefully also help men feel a little less embarrassed about checking their hairy plums for unwanted lumps on a regular basis.

There are 11 gigs in all (dates below), each of which will have a different line-up of four or more bands. Reign of Fury will play on each date. Ticket prices will be reasonable, none of the bands will be taking a penny and you’ll be able to get – hopefully – some rather cool merchandise as well (also to raise money for the charity).

Glasgow’s line-up has been confirmed as I am I, States of Panic, Reign of Fury and Cnoc An Tursa. Nottingham’s will be Karybdis, Bull-Riff Stampede, Reign of Fury and Incinery.


12th – Bogiez, Cardiff

13th – Exchange, Bristol

14th – White Rabbit, Plymouth

19th – Rescue Rooms, Nottingham

20th – Underworld, Camden

21st – O2 Academy, Oxford


3rd – Academy 2, Manchester

4th – Classic Grand, Glasgow

5th – World HQ, Newcastle

16th – Lomax, Liverpool

17th – FINALÉ ALL DAYER, Rainbow Venues, Birmingham

For more details, please check out their web page and give them a “like” on facebook. They’re also on Twitter as @headbangballs.

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