Hearse Pileup: play a game while you listen to their new single!

This is a neat idea. Play a game of piling up hearses while listening to Hearse Pileup’s latest single. Their new EP Realise is out on July 2nd.

Hearse Pileup are here to shine a light on this with their new EP Realise. Writing with the credo “Shit’s fucked – call it out”, the song highlights that politics doesn’t and cannot happen only once every five years. With members of the band having ties to London’s rich radical heritage, the trio have been playing their riffy brand of punk to rowdy crowds for many years. From a motorcycle chapter’s 25th anniversary, the final night of the occupied 12 Bar, or a dubiously legal squat party near you.

There are more elections happening this year than ever before. But with corruption, voter suppression, and (in the UK’s case) two barely-distinguishable major parties there is also less real choice.

The band have been working hard on their release campaign, and as the release approaches they are preparing an interactive music video in the form an in-browser computer game. It was built almost entirely by the band’s frontman and is a metaphor for limiting your power for change to a vote twice a decade.

You can play the game at https://realise.hearsepileup.rip/

If you’re a fan of Fat White Family, Queens of the Stone Age, IDLES, Soft Play or Bob Vylan, these guys may be up your alley!

Realise will come out on July 2nd on all major music platforms, but pre-save is available now.

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Hearse Pileup: official | facebook | twitter | instagram | bandcamp | spotify | youtube

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