Briqueville release new single “AKTA XVII”, album out soon

Shrouded in darkness for over a decade, B R I Q U E V I L L E have stepped into the light to unveil the single “AKTE XVII” before the arrival of the infamous Belgian doom-drone collective’s fourth full-length release, IIII’ via Berlin’s Pelagic Records.

Founded in fittingly mysterious and macabre circumstances from an eclectic collision of electro and metal scenes; B R I Q U E V I L L E anonymised themselves in order to champion their singular, sinister sound. “AKTE XVII”, however, suggests that the band may be beginning to lift the veil.

Drenched in B R I Q U E V I L L E’s signature brew of restless repetitive grooves, growling distortion and unsettling found sounds; the single dives headlong into the deeper, richer sonic palette teased on 2020’s album, Quelle. The group’s all-consuming heaviness is laced with subtle, haunting melodies and an eerie vocal presence that offers the briefest glimpse of warmth and respite amongst the icy, grinding despair.

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B R I Q U E V I L L E are set to release IIII on November 3rd, as the nights grow darker still. At first glance “AKTE XVII” appears to be a candle flickering in the gloom to welcome us into the fold. It’s worth remembering however that, where B R I Q U E V I L L E are concerned, appearances can be deceiving…

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Listen to “AKTE XVII” now

Briqueville: facebook | instagram | spotify

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