Stoke’s Alter Eden announce the creation of a ‘Fan Owned Record Label’

It’s well known in the music industry that bands are in the strongest position they have ever been in when it comes to releasing their own music. No longer hindered by having to rely on the machine to get their music out to the masses, you may wonder why any band would choose a different path in the road to release.

Here is where Stoke based band, Alter Eden are not content with just doing it the normal way.  They self-released their debut, ‘Tigers and Lambs’ in 2017, and had a strong hand in every step of the process. From the initial song-writing, through the recording process, even filming their own music videos, Alter Eden did it their way.

But no longer…

After experiencing the release schedule process and all that comes with it, the Alter Eden thought process saw that direct band to fan communication was key to a successful launch. So, the next logical step would be to turn that interaction into an organic, decision making, dynamic force that drives what the band does and creates.

A fan-owned record label!

There are fantastic platforms out there that bands can utilise to take people on the “release journey”, great sites like PledgeMusic and IndieGoGo, and it would have been easy to just release the next collection of songs and videos using those tools. But Alter Eden want to allow the people they are supporting them, to be able to contribute not only once the music is in the wild, but in the very work that enables it to be released.

Using the new online service Patreon, the ‘fan-owned record label’ will be accepting 3 tiers of buy-in, the most affordable tier gives full access to be part of the label, with higher tiers giving fans the opportunity to not just help make the decisions, but be physically involved as well!

Here’s Aled on the toilet to explain how the tiers work…

If you want to be a part of the next stage in Alter Eden’s journey and the birth of a new style of record label, then head on over to Patreon and sign up now! It doesn’t matter if you just want to follow the bands’ progress or if you want to try and snag an executive producer credit – all you need is a passion for what Alter Eden are looking to do, along with a willingness to get involved!

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