Shadowflag release single “Mourn Defeat” in support of mental health charity MIND

Shadowflag (a Band of the Day back in October ’16) today release “Mourn Defeat”, a dark, brooding single with a glimmer of light behind it – all money raised will be donated to MIND, a charity geared towards the awareness of mental health issues and the support of those suffering from them. The press release follows. I’m not even going to try and redraft it – it’s too well written and really gets to the heart of the problem.

Just to make sure you don’t miss it, here’s a link to the single on bandcamp.

Take it away, Shadowflag…

Our world has become cruel. Our days and our nights are filled with hatred and division, negativity and deceit. From those in positions of influence and power, to those who hold wealth, and from those who feel that the safety of their world is under threat, to the dark room dwellers throwing bile at the screen… everyone must be heard. The world is clamouring and screaming – and yet no one listens. The natural reaction has become confrontation and fear not empathy and compassion. It has become normal to attack, undermine and denigrate. It has become the ‘reaction of choice’ for whole generations.

However, there are those of us that hear. Even when we don’t want to listen. We are the unseen, the affected and the scarred. We are the silent. We absorb the cruelties of a world and throw ourselves headlong into creativity and artistic expression. This is where our truth, our emotion and our cohesion lie. It is the perfect way to communicate within the noise of the world. Yet it comes at a price.

Every single person is affected by mental health issues. It is part of many of us and part of many of our lives. Whatever the reasons and whatever the cause, there are those that deal with very real and extraordinarily painful experiences every day of their lives. And many suffer alone. Against the backdrop of the world that we have described. As a resident of planet earth, there is no escape, no safe house, no stronghold. It’s just us and no one else.

It’s a cauldron of human beings who are bad at being human.

We ask you to think about those who are affected by any mental health issue. We ask you to think about what you say, what you type and what you portray. We ask you to just stop for a few moments and to think about how you affect others. And we ask you to just be better, be better at being human. We all have to try.

We wrote and recorded Mourn Defeat in an angry world. We looked and we listened… and this is what came out.

Every single penny that we raise from purchases of Mourn Defeat will be given to the mental health charity MIND.

It’s time to be human.

We thank you for any support that you can give this release. You can download Mourn Defeat and donate via bandcamp.

MIND are a UK-based charity that provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign relentlessly to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

Shadowflag: official | facebook | twitter | bandcamp | youtube

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