Night Demon release charity t-shirt

Night Demon charity shirtA very pleasant press release from California’s Night Demon today:

It’s that time of year, again! Night Demon has gotten together with Modern Made Merch to create an exclusive Night Demon T-shirt added to the “Metal Cares” brand, created by the band. Through this, Night Demon have sponsored many campaigns for various charities, including Merch Relief, YMCA, and Toys For Tots.

Most times when you see artists and musicians do this sort of thing, they like to use the term “Proceeds benefit (whatever the organization is)”. We want to be upfront and clear with our fans that EVERY SINGLE PENNY DONATED TO PURCHASE THESE T-SHIRTS WILL BE DONATED TO THE YMCA to sponsor those less fortunate in our community! This organization not only sponsors youth programs, they provide free childcare, and give community scholarships through their open doors program.

We still get many people contacting us wanting last year’s t-shirt, but this is, and will always be an exclusive limited time offer. Once these are gone, they are gone forever!

Let’s raise some dough for those in need!

This campaign runs 02/06/15 – 03/06/15 [I think they mean 6th Feb to 6th March, silly Americans ;) – Mosh]

Orders can easily be placed at

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