[Header image courtesy of bogdanpo]
I’ve decided to drop the “New” from “New Band of the Day” forthwith. This does not mean that I’m going to open the floodgates to covering well established, headline acts – they’ll still remain as fodder for the “Oldie But Goldie” category.
It’s just that quite a few acts I’ve covered recently have been older bands who’ve taken a hiatus, or who’ve been together for 15 years while only releasing a couple of albums. I feel that calling them “new” is almost a little insulting even though I’ve always maintained that the “new” referred to the fact that they were new to me.
I will still predominantly be focussing on lesser-known, up-and-coming bands pushing their first or second release or perhaps their first on a major label. In fact, to be honest, it’s going to make no difference at all as to my decisions as to who to feature. I just think the title gives a better reflection of the wide range of bands I’ve been lucky enough to feature so far and hope to feature in months to come.
As ever, if you would like your band featured just let me know about them! Ideally a link to something I can embed in the article (YouTube and SoundCloud are preferably, BandCamp at a pinch – it works about 50% of the time, or permission to host an mp3 file on the site) and some kind of bio (PDF, Word, your official web site or a decent blurb on your facebook “About” page). Have a look at previous (N)BotDs for an idea.
You can harass me on Twitter, send me a message through or post on the facebook page, or use the Contact Page here.