After the shock news of Duce leaving the band under good terms a couple of days ago, Robb Flynn has kept his promise of a blog post a week on the band’s official web page with an emotional piece of writing detailing the reasons behind Duce’s departure.
The full statement can be read here, but in a nutshell it seems that Duce hadn’t been a full and involved part of the band in ages, but his mindset would have considered walking away to be “quitting” so he stuck with it. This despite the fact that he was obviously not happy being in the band and as a result the band were not happy being with him.
Of course, we only have Flynn’s side of the story but the guy pretty much always comes across as very open and honest (having met him once many years ago, he really is a fucking dude) and the statement certainly seems to be above board enough.
Whether Duce will respond or not, only time will tell. The split leaves Machine Head with Flynn as the only remaining founder member, and also operating as a 3-piece for the moment.