A quick random bit of waffle from yours truly!
I’m happy to say that I’ve so far managed to keep the “New Band of the Day” posts going for 181 consecutive days (starting from May 4th 2013 and including one day where I posted twice – whoops). This means that by the time you take into account the four I have scheduled and waiting to pop up, I am past the halfway mark of managing one NBotD every day for a whole year!
Please do keep suggestions coming in, ideally via the contact page.
Also, this post should be the 567th published on the site. I have a few bits and bobs kicking around that I’m thinking of putting up as competition prizes to celebrate 666 posts… if you want to supply me with anything to add to the giveaway pile then please do drop me a line, again via the contact page!
There haven’t been many gig reviews recently, but that’s because I’ve not been to any in a few weeks, but this will change in coming weeks as I have a slew of the damn things.
First up is Nile/Ex Deo tonight, and as a bonus I’ll be interviewing Jean-Francois of Ex Deo for you.
Coming after that, we have Gloryhammer, Bowling For Soup. Volbeat, Marky Ramone‘s Blitzkrieg (with Andrew WK), Skid Row/Ugly Kid Joe, Amon Amarth/Carcass/Hell/Bleed From Within, Kunt & The Gang, Hayseed Dixie, Airbourne, Papa Roach, Nickelback (yeah, yeah), Alter Bridge/Shinedown/Halestorm, Lawnmower Deth/Xentrix/Reanimator/Line of Fire, Lamb of God/Decapitated/Huntress… and possibly more!
My main issue at the moment is time. Work is getting busier and family life similarly is demanding more of my time. Much as I love working on this web page, it’s utterly non-profit (in fact, it’s costing me to maintain it) and other things do have priority.
I promise that everyone who throws interviews, albums, NBotD suggections, new articles, tour news and anything else at me will have their stuff read, but I can only promise to make a best effort to get it on the page. Honestly, if you saw the volume I receive you’d realise why I can’t guarantee getting it all up.
I’m focussing on original content (gig reviews, NBotD, interviews) with some news for padding where it’s easy to get the articles up. So if you don’t mind me just copy/pasting your well-written press release, then that’s a good way to increase the likelihood that it gets added to the page!
Thanks to everyone so far who’s provided me with material – from pointers to bands they like through to interview opportunities and CDs. Really, thank you!
Here’s to 300-or so more posts and 180-ish more days of New Bands…