Our regular run-down of as many of the upcoming Bloodstock bands as we can get to talk to us! Praetorian play the New Blood stage on the Saturday…
Simple things first – where are you guys from?
We are from North Hertfordshire which is a very posh county just north of London.
How long have you been playing together as a band?
We formed in 2015 but after a few false starts and personnel changes, we have had a steady lineup since 2019.
Where does the name of the band come from?
The name has absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter of the band, but me and a friend were down the pub and were thinking of band names. Praetorian Guard came up and it sounded cool…then shortened it to Praetorian and it sounded even better. It’s one of those ambiguous names which is hard to pinpoint a band’s sound, which is exactly what we are going for. Better than Weedmaster or Guttural Psyclops. Actually wait…
Describe your music. What makes you unique?
We are fundamentally a sludge band but with lots of other aspects of metal thrown in, such as black metal, post-metal and doom. We have fast bits, slow bits, HEAVY bits and dare I say…’lovely’ quiet bits which make you all warm inside.
What’s your live show like? Why are people going to watch you instead of another band?
Our vocalist will be a topless maniac so he’ll be on a walkabout while shouting at everyone, which is bizarre as off-stage he’s like a teddy bear. There is lots of headbanging (duh), lunging and dodgy shapes being thrown. Everybody should have a dance or have a mosh. Maybe a bit of square dancing. Any movement is encouraged!
Have you been to Bloodstock before? What did you think?
A few of us have been to Bloodstock a few times, personally this will be my (Mark – guitar) sixth time…not exactly a seasoned veteran but enough to know the vibe. It’s something I look forward to every year and barring some horrible weather, a good time is always had, regardless of the bands.
Which M2tM region did you win, or did you come through other channels?
We did M2TM Hitchin in 2022 and got to the final, but just missed out (we got put on the reserve list). We tried our luck this year by emailing Simon directly, and he luckily said yes! Happy days.
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Can you put into 10 words or fewer how it felt when you realised you were heading to Bloodstock?
Capitalised affirmatives on Messenger followed by excessive giggling.
What sort of setlist can we expect?
At the moment the final setlist is undecided, but it will go off with a bang, and we won’t let up until the half hour is over. There’s one old song in particular which we are looking to play for the final time, so we want everybody to have a dance for that.
Stage times haven’t been announced yet, so which other band do you most hope you’re not clashing with so you can see them play?
We’re playing on the Saturday, so will be a bit peeved clashing with bands like Crypta, Deicide, Cauldron, Unpeople and on the EMP Stage, Public Execution and Flamebearer.
What are you working on at the moment?
We’ve just recorded our debut album and it is ready to go, so at the moment we are working on artwork, new merch ideas, music videos and lots of boring admin stuff. Busy times ahead!
What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?
I once crushed a can of Tango with my bare hands. It was half empty and everything.
What drink do you throw back to get yourself fired up before going on stage?
The blood of the Unbelievers of Valhalla of Summoning Forefathers or something….or maybe just a cold bevvy. Cold water if we’re feeling frisky!