Road To Bloodstock 2022 – Collapse The Sky

It’s that time of year where we set out to interview as many of the Sophie, New Blood, and Jager bands as we can in the lead-up to one of the most anticipated festivals of the year, Bloodstock. Answering our questions here is Collapse The Sky who play the New Blood stage on the Saturday.

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

We are from the mustard capital of the UK – Norwich City.

How long have you been playing together as a band?

Flynn and Lee started writing music and making demos back in 2014/2015 but the band formed in 2016.

Where does the name of the band come from?

We wanted to go for a powerful sounding name and to “Collapse The Sky” would take an impossible amount of energy and force, so it suits the genre well. It was also one of the few band names that wasn’t already taken.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

We combine a lot of different musical elements, from fast chaotic riffs to slow chuggy ideas, orchestral motifs and shred solos. We aren’t trying to stick exclusively within one genre. We are open to a variety of different metal styles and aren’t afraid to experiment with that.

What’s your live show like? Why are people going to watch you instead of another band?

We get so excited playing shows. We bring all of that energy onto stage and it becomes infectious. We want to make the experience as inclusive as possible to everyone there.

Have you been to Bloodstock before? What did you think?

Some of us have been before as visitors. The atmosphere is fantastic. The environment is a friendly place to be in and we can’t wait to be a part of it as a band.

Which M2tM region did you win, or did you come through other channels?

We won the East Anglia region of the M2TM competition.

Can you put into 10 words or fewer how it felt when you realised you were heading to Bloodstock?

It was an instant wave of excitement.

If you like what we do, consider joining us on Patreon for as little as £1 per month!

What sort of setlist can we expect?

We’ll be playing a good chunk of material from our new album White Flags that we released earlier this year, and a polite sprinkling of older songs as well.

Which other bands do you most hope you’re not squished up next to so you can see them play?

We are playing on the Saturday and would love to check out Sylosis and Jinjer.

What are you working on at the moment?

We’ve started drafting out some ideas for new music. Still in the early stages but got some exciting riffs starting to take shape.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

Lee loves to crowd surf on inflatables. So far he has managed it on inflatable pizza slices, crocodiles and sharks. Who knows what he will use next!

What drink do you throw back to get yourself fired up before going on stage?

Hydration is key. Water and Rubicon – the dream team.

Don’t fancy Patreon? Buy us a one-off beverage!

Collapse The Sky: facebook | instagram | spotify | bandcamp | youtube

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