Badgerfest 2021 interview: Iron Altar

The Moshville Times had a delegation of staff attending this year’s Badgerfest with thirty five bands in attendance over a three day period in Manchester. Shells of Moshville Times, Bracken Hake and Ricky of Moshville Times had the best time ever with a very warm, friendly and welcoming Manchester metal scene.

To show that this is no word of a lie, the three of us have already booked the hotel for Badgerfest 2022. We were kept extremely busy (and drunk) interviewing bands that were willing to talk. Next on the list for interview were Iron Altar who are on a high after a storming set here at Badgerfest and it felt right to have a chat with the whole band. This was, therefore, the ideal time for us to catch up with them to talk about what they are recording next, tours and of course their blinding set at Badgerfest.

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Iron Altar: facebook | twitter | instagram | bandcamp | youtube

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