It’s that time of year where we set out to interview as many of the Sophie, New Blood, and Jager bands as we can in the lead-up to one of the most anticipated festivals of the year, Bloodstock. Answering our questions here are Pearler who play the New Blood Stage on Friday.
Simple things first – where are you guys from?
We are from South Wales, Swansea, Neath and Ystylafera.
How long have you been playing together as a band?
We’ve been together 4 years but been friends forever.
Where does the name of the band come from?
Wendell has had the name in his book since 96, it comes from having a good time, a Pearler!
Describe your music. What makes you unique?
Our music covers serious topics wrapped up in a bouquet of Fun. It’s unique because no one else plays Stoner Glam!
What’s your live show like? Why are people going to watch you instead of another band?
Our live show is high energy fun & people should watch us to find out if they know when they’ve had one!
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Have you been to Bloodstock before? What did you think?
Our guitarist Evsy has been going since the start, he thinks it’s the best metal fest around. A Pearler he said!
Which M2tM region did you win, or did you come through other channels?
The South Wales region.
Can you put into 10 words or fewer how it felt when you realised you were heading to Bloodstock?
It felt like we had one ten times over… “Moist” comes to mind.
What sort of setlist can we expect?
A short, sharp dose of high energy fun!
Which other bands do you most hope you’re not squished up next to so you can see them play?
We’re gutted to clash with any, we wanna see them all!
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What are you working on at the moment?
We are working on our forthcoming third album Belter Skelter and our new range of Pearler thongs!
What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?
I saw Mike Patton from faith no more take a shit on a stage while performing, that was wild!
What drink do you throw back to get yourself fired up before going on stage?
We’re simple men, a few cold pints & a Jager do us just fine. Wendell likes a good Fortified wine to loosen the throat up too!
Pearler: official | facebook | twitter | instagram | spotify | youtube