Netherhall are the next band to be interviewed that are going to play Badgerfest 2021 in October next year in Manchester. Like every other band, Netherhall were on the crest of a wave before Covid came in but, rest assured, they are using this downtime constructively and are already working on their debut album. Netherhall have just mentioned it on social media themselves after recording it for four days in Middle Farm Studios in Devon.
These guys certainly have a new fan in myself, and I for one will be looking forward to hearing it. Exciting times in the Netherhall camp and I look forward to hearing the new songs live at Badgerfest next year.
Please subscribe to my channel Ricky of Moshville Times at Youtube or on Facebook
Badgerfest 2021 event details can be found here and tickets can be purchased here.
Netherhall: facebook | twitter | soundcloud | youtube | bandcamp