#RoadToRockTheCoast – The Broken Horizon

Rock the Coast is kicking off in four weeks in Malaga – sun, sand, sea and loads of rock and metal. The line-up is superb and we’ve managed to snaffle a couple of lead-up interviews with some of the bands. One of them is local (-ish… to the festival) act The Broken Horizon…

First of all, we would like to say thanks to Moshville to take a few minutes for us and give us the chance for this interview. Now shoot the questions:

Simple things first – where are you guys from?

We are a band from the north of Spain: Pamplona (Navarre).

How did you meet?

Pamplona is a little city so mostly everyone knows each other but in our case, Raul (Drums) and Odei (Guitar) are part of the original formation and they know each other since long time ago. After the first changes, Odei was a friend of Jun (bassist) and asked him to join the band as bass player, even though he was a guitarist in other bands. Later, Alex (guitar) was convinced by his brother Jun, to join the project. And as a final step, when the ex-vocalist left the band Jun called Parra (vocals), as he knew that Parra was also a singer from other band, to front what today is The Broken Horizon.

So, in other words it is a mix between friendship, family and musicians that wanted to challenge themselves, and that is what makes the band environment nowadays so strong.

How long have you been playing as a band?

The Broken Horizon was formed in 2015 but we say that we have become properly a band since the release of Desolation, our debut LP (2018).

Before you get sick of being asked… where does the band name come from?

We won’t get sick about that answering question as that is what really reflects our passion. With this name we tried to reflect so many things and we will try to summarize in a few lines:

Each person has a goal in his life, no? That’s what we call the horizon, but sometimes life is a completely asshole and tries to fuck us up constantly and our mission is to continue and get fucked up by life again in an infinite loop. This is the meaning also from our lyrics and our songs. This LP reflected more the sad part but we are preparing to hit again with stronger stuff.

Describe your music. What makes you unique?

This question is quite hard.

Nowadays, creating unique music or being innovative is really hard and what for us may be unique for others can be just shit! In our opinion our “shit” is special, first because it comes from the deepest part of our souls and after because we have tried to bring different styles in one. You can find some hardcore, deathcore, metalcore, electronic or even goth in our songs.

What’s your live show like? How many shows have you played?

Our live shows in one word would be: explosive. If you come to a gig of ours you will see five guys discharging all the adrenaline as a thunderstorm, and believe me after each show we need to rest at least 12 hours. So if you dare, just try to come and see it.

For the moment in this tour, and with this formation, we have played approximately 12 concerts but we will finish the year with 20 approx, but we hope also to play even more.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done at a live show?

The craziest two things in our opinion will be when the crowd made a fucking wall of death in a small local and they started mostly destroying the furniture around them. For us it was the first time a crowd was doing a wall of the death because of us, and the first that was so destructive.

The other was during our last live show  in Madrid. There was a guy in the crowd so fucking motivated moshing that he even hit our singer, making the microphone fall to the crowd.

Also we could say that the first crowdsurfer is a thing that you can not forget too.

Is this your first time playing in Spain, or on a festival stage?

In Spain no, because it’s where we mostly play, but yes it is the first time on a festival of these dimensions.

What are you looking forward to most about Rock The Coast?

You know that we are what today is called “modern” metal, but we all have grown listening to bands like Rainbow, Scorpions, Carcass, Mayhem… For us it is a proud moment to be on the same poster as them, and also to play with bands like Jinjer that nowadays is one of our main bands, or with Angelus Apatrida that are one of the biggest bands from our country.

So, mainly we just look to enjoy as kids and make people get fucking crazy at our gig, since we are a really small band and we have an enormous chance.

What, if anything, are you plugging/promoting at the moment?

At this moment the only promoting the band is doing is just playing and playing and try to get more and more gigs. Also we make efforts in our social media and with our management and our label just to try our best for what we call our dream.

The Broken Horizon: official | facebook | twitter | instagram

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