HRH Metal 2019 Interview: Pelugion

Prior to their performance at HRH Metal, I had the opportunity to chat to Pelugion and discuss band that they were looking forward to seeing and their plans for the next 6 to 12 months.

You’re playing at HRH Metal today, are you looking forward to it?

Very much so, yes. We’re so glad to be on the bill for this year. We missed out last year and were gutted to not play it so to be able to come back and play it this year on a bigger stage.

Are there any bands you are looking forward to seeing?

Hopefully Eradikator, Ballsdeep and Internal Conflict. We’re hoping catch most bands to be honest.

This is the second year the festival has sold out. Can you think of any reasons why?

Value for money we’d say. There’s so many great bands on and it’s kind of a showcase of great bands in a great venue. In some cases, you come to watch 2 bands you really like and end up discovering 10 new bands you end up liking. Plus, with it being an O2 venue you know you’re going to have a good sound.

What are your plans for the next few months?

We’re currently writing some new material so are only playing sporadic gigs here and there for now. We’re playing a new song tonight actually so that’ll be cool. But yeah, we’re currently in writing mode and should be releasing some new stuff soon.

What is one band form your local area who you think deserves more attention?

Callous Hands we’d say. They played at the M2TM heats recently and it was the band’s second ever gig and they advanced to the next stage which was great.

What is one thing you wish someone told you before you started?

How expensive it would be! Get out your home city more often as well. Sure, a gig is a gig, but playing your own city all the time gets boring for both the crowd and them.

Tea or Coffee?

Daytime coffee, nighttime tea.

Pelugion: facebook

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