Bloodstock 2017 Interview: Internal Conflict

Just after their performance on the Sophie Stage on the Friday at Bloodstock, we had a quick chat with Internal Conflict about their performance and also any bands they are looking forward to seeing. Read on for the full transcription:

(c) Will Tudor Photography

You’ve literally just come off stage. How was your performance?

It was awesome, mate. Absolutely awesome. We’re still buzzing from this as you can tell! It was a busy tent and people were really enjoying it which was amazing to see. People took the chance on a band they’ve probably never heard of and everyone wanted t-shirts and CDs which was great.

How did you guys find out you were playing?

Adam: I was at work and I saw my phone ringing and it was Simon Hall. Every time he calls it’s normally for abuse or something, but him calling me and saying we were playing was pretty awesome.

Ricey: I got a phone call from one of the guys and they said “Are you sitting down?” and I was like “No, I’m at work”. And then after they told me I ran around for like 5 minutes cheering.

Adam: We were kinda apprehensive as we’d gone through quite a few changes but our fans had stuck with us throughout so it was kinda like a repaying trust thing. Sort of like a, thanks for sticking around, this is for you.

This is the first year the festival has sold out. What do you reckon has made it sell out?

We’re not sure to be honest. Probably the things outside of the festival like the Metal 2 the Masses. All the bands that are playing them are treated so professionally and they have their names on things that they’d never get. We’ve been coming for the past seven years and to see it grow into what it is today has been incredible. It’s kind of like a grassroots thing as well as a lot of the bands that are playing the New Blood stage will hopefully end up on the main stage in a few years. It’s been sinking in a lot more with people and there’s a mentality of ‘I don’t care if they are signed, as long as they play good music, then I’ll go and see them.’

[at this point, Blood Oath come past and everyone says hello and gives out hugs]

They’re good mates of ours. They are great bands.

If there was one thing to improve at Bloodstock, what would that be?

We can’t really say to be honest. They’ve got everything right from the atmosphere, to the unsigned bands and then the world touring bands. It’s perfect and we wouldn’t change it for anything. They also give chances for some smaller bands to headline such as Amon Amarth and Mastodon. They wouldn’t be headlining places like Reading or Download and as a result, those festivals will probably die out in about 10 years if they don’t start doing what Bloodstock is doing.

Photos by Will Tudor Photography

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